6 Aug 2018

Tips for Buying a New AC Unit

New AC Unit
Atlanta, GA – Your air conditioning unit is an important component of your home. The average unit will last between 10 and 20 years, so it is more than likely at some point in your home owning life, you will need to purchase a new one. But how can you know what you should look for? (more…)

AC unit repair

Atlanta, GA – We are well into summer, and looking for the best ways to beat the heat. If your air conditioning unit isn’t cooling quite like you’d like it to, or if you’re just ready for an upgrade, what do you need to think about before air conditioning repair or replacement in Atlanta? (more…)

Faulty Thermostat

Alpharetta, GA – The thermostat is one of the most important components of your air conditioning unit. But even though you probably touch it or look at it multiple times during the day, you probably don’t ever give it much thought. But, problems with your thermostat can spell bigger problems for your air conditioner. (more…)

26 Jun 2018

Expert AC Installation is Important

AC installation

Alpharetta, GA – You can find a do-it-yourself video for just about anything these days, and air conditioner installation is certainly one of them. But just because you’ve seen a DIY video on YouTube, that doesn’t mean you’re ready to take on a project as big as AC installation. (more…)

frozen air conditioner

Alpharetta, GA – If your AC unit doesn’t seem to be working properly, and you notice indoor components are frozen when you check on it, that is a sign you should call an AC company right away. (more…)

12 Jun 2018

What Make Air Filters So Dirty?

dirty air filtersAtlanta, GA – It’s important to change your air filter on a regular basis, typically about every three months. But sometimes, especially when your HVAC unit is running regularly, it may be necessary to change it out more often. But why does the filter get so dirty in the first place? (more…)

24 Apr 2018

Is Your Home’s AC Ready for Summer?

Home’s ACAlpharetta, GA – Spring is here, which means the warm summer months are just around the corner. And that also means you may see higher utility bills as your AC runs more often – and that’s especially true if your unit isn’t ready for the warmer months. (more…)

cut cost with saving energyAtlanta, GA – The temperatures have been dropping, and you’ve no doubt already gotten some good use out of your home’s heating system. But has that come with sticker shock when you’ve gotten your electric bills? The good news is, there are some simple ways you can lower those bills, without sacrificing your family’s warmth. The experts at Atlanta Heating and Air Conditioning explain. (more…)

Versus ReplacementAtlanta, Georgia – Atlanta residents want to get the most out of their air conditioning units, but sometimes it might be more economical to replace the unit than continue to repair it. Much has changed in the air conditioning world in recent years, so it’s important for homeowners to understand when it might be time to look into installing a new unit, rather than continuing to pour money into their current system. (more…)

Heating UnitAtlanta, GA – Short of your heating unit just giving up on you, are there ways you can tell when it might be time to upgrade? Don’t be left out in the cold – look for these signs described by the experts at Atlanta Heating and Air Conditioning. (more…)